Friday 17 May 2013

The thud of love

The dull thud on the worn carpet. The tinkle of the misfitting letter box as the footsteps of the postman fade. There is something special about receiving a letter. A brush with years gone by. A time where communication entailed wrestling with a broken zip as you brace yourself against the autumnal afternoon chill, ensuring that the postbox is reached before the designated collection time. Letters can be tucked away in jewellery boxes and sock draws, or even used as a bookmark. A single piece of paper that would be worthless to anyone else. But to you it is the lifeline to someone who has impacted your story. A lost love, a passing phase, a reminder of youth. 

A couple of times I've written letters to myself. A few minutes spent splurging encouragement, thoughts and musings. But, here's the best bit. Give it to someone else to post back to you in 6 months, a year, whenever they find it forgotten in a kitchen drawer. Life goes on. Then one day out of the blue, that familiar thud comes with a personal reminder, a time capsule, a surprise peek into a distant diary of spontaneity. Surprise yourself with the relevance. Have a chuckle at how you have grown. Celebrate your life.

A new perspective