Wednesday 21 August 2013

The waltz of the rat race

Shoulders hunched. 

Commuters scurry, to the breakfast meeting that they are already late for. Checking phones for the latest emails. Eyes fixed on the pavement as they mentally run through the imminent presentation. Juggling the scolding Starbucks in a desperate attempt to waken weary souls.


Heads are upturned en-masse. The force of gravity suddenly eased. The unanimous wonder. How high is it? Who cleans the windows? The building leads the eye to the clouds. Out of the un-noticed blue comes a vertical bridge, welcoming the blinkered to a parallel world. Serenity. Stillness. Calm. Clenched shoulders drop and breaths are slowed. There is something soothing in the waltzing of the clouds across their dance floor, our sky. 

The meetings haven't disappeared. The deadlines still loom. But in a few seconds a concrete covered steel frame has the capacity to teach an important lesson of perspective. Today may be comprised of caffeine and PowerPoints, but the world is out there and it's bigger than that.