Sunday 21 April 2013

More than a passing phase.

The crescendo of the buzz of a bee draws near. A distant component of the background soundtrack bringing reality to the day. As a dog pricks his ears, so heads are turned to view the approaching source of the sound. This is no bee.

The scuttling shoppers, school children and office workers are parted by the fast approaching addition to the high street scene.

A character who with cannot fail to replace a furrowed brow with a glimpse of cheer. The weathered face of a scaffolder overhead, downs tools to watch. The ruddy faced  toddler is silenced mid-tantrum. Here he comes.

Velvet slippered feet straddle the standard issue mobility scooter. Collar turned up against the breeze of momentum. The tweed trilby, perhaps a nod to a smarter more youthful day. The look completed by the highly practical, somewhat amusing addition of a pair of rubber science goggles. Either this speed merchant was making a hasty getaway from a lab experiment gone wrong, or he simply had a reckless love of speed.

Assuming the latter, there is a tangible respect felt on the street for this overgrown daredevil. As smirks are shared between those witnessing such unbridled rebellion, a challenge is brought to the table: You are never too old to have fun. Those brave enough to take the challenge will be met with the turning of heads and nods of admiration. Quite rightly so.