Sunday 28 April 2013

The Dead Duck Day

Let me guess, the cogs are turning as you dig out the Hugh Grant Rom-Com which first coined that phrase. But on this occasion I am quite happy to plagiarise, as there is no more eloquent way of summing up what was a tragic loss in my life.

Confession: I am a creature of habit. You could set your watch by the humdrum of tasks that make up my average Tuesday for example. Anyway, a daily acquaintance who similarly you could set your watch by was the 8.40am viewing of an exotic duck in my local park. I am fortunate enough to, at this time be peddling to the office, unless of course it’s raining, in which case your watch will be very out, as I take the bus.

Not wanting to sound like an M&S advert but, this is not just any duck. No, this duck was the only one of its kind in the park. Brightly coloured and seemed to keep himself to himself. It is due to this self-inflicted solitude that he first caught my eye. From then on, sure enough at 8.40am he would be there waiting on a waterlogged branch which served as a convenient perch.

Given the title of this piece, you can probably see where this is going. After weeks of looking out for him proudly watching over the pond, yesterday morning I received a shock. Not wanting to make a CSI worthy analysis; it appears that my dear friend had got caught on some rubbish on his perch and would no longer be brightening my days.

This is not a sermon about litter-louts much as I despise the practice. It is however, a challenge to you to look for the simple pleasures in your humdrum. It may not be a colourful duck but whatever works for you. Let it be a window of joy in the mundane.

Oh, and by the way, it was ‘About a Boy’